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When you’re younger, people tell you that when you grow up you’ll know more

but the older that I get the less I understand the world.

And I can hardly recognize people that I knew before.

It only took me two decades to find out who they really are

and who they’ve always been.

From the new angle where I stand,

I see those sides that make them human.


The ones you thought immortal

now are greying, now are frail.

The ones you went to for your answers

are just as lost and as confused.

A gale sweeps children off their feet and

tosses them into a sea of overwhelming reality–

those things they didn’t want to see.

And here they call that 20.

Like crossroads in the country,

the towering door in front of me.


We’re twenty. We’re twenty.

What do people our age do?

Are we all closet philosophers and record junkies too?

We’re twenty. We’re twenty.

Reusing our old coffee grinds cause we can’t afford fresh brew.

Though we say we’re grown men and women,

I think we all just want to fit in.


You have friends that get stupid

and some friends who are firm.

You try to step lively on the balance beam that grazes both their worlds.

You’re searching for your definition while abhorring the heard

and you’re conscious of the fact that you probably cost more than you’re worth.

Still, a Friday night is calling

And God gave you a paycheck.


Till one day it all hits you

the universe says, “Act your age”

And you’re thrown into an intersection that parts 50 ways.

Feet mesmerized and terrified to know your life will change

Cause the second that you pick a route is the second that you’ll say,


“Did I choose the right one?”

“In hindsight, will I be proud?”

But the only way to know is to travel it.

We’re twenty. We’re twenty.

What do people our age do?

Are we all closet philosophers and record junkies too?

We’re twenty. We’re twenty.

Reusing our old coffee grinds cause we can’t afford fresh brew.

Though we say we’re grown men and women,

I think we all just want to fit in.


Folks’ll ask you ‘bout your future, the obstacle you’ve only feigned

and you’re feelin’ yourself lying to ‘em just to keep ‘em entertained

With fingers crossed behind your back, it don’t feel good to talk like that

But who really expects a whippersnap’ to take advice from just any old hand?

From just anyone who passes

We don’t take words from the masses


Cause who knows where you’ll be for the next twenty years or more

what tragedies or ruts will come a-knocking at your door.

For now your most important jobs are trying to keep a level head

trying to pick up your own shovel,

and shake a lot of hands

Cause memories are milestones

even all the bad ones

And 20’s when you make ‘em.


We’re twenty. We’re twenty.

What do people our age do?

Are we all closet philosophers and record junkies too?

We’re twenty. We’re twenty.

Reusing our old coffee grinds cause we can’t afford fresh brew.

Though we say we’re grown men and women,

I think we all just want to fit in.


We’re twenty. We’re twenty.

What do people our age do?

Are we all closet philosophers and record junkies too?

Do we all re-use our coffee grinds cause we can’t afford fresh brew?

Can we all only stretch as far out as our debts allow us to?

Though we insist that we’ve got it together,

call ourselves grown men and women,

I think we all just want to fit in.